Talkpool OY1210 CO2 LoRaWAN Air Quality Sensor

  • LoRaWAN Air Quality Sensor
  • Monitors and logs CO2, Temperature & Humidity
  • Battery Powered
  • Discrete slimline wall-mount unit

Price excl VAT: £195.00
incl VAT: £234.00


The Talkpool OY1210 LoRaWAN sensor measures temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide, with a maintenance free lifetime of 5 years based on 20-minute reporting intervals. Easy to use, configurable over the air and stylish in design to fit into indoor spaces. Supports adaptive reporting functionality to detect rapid changes in CO2 levels.

Typical use cases:
– Indoor climate control
– HVAC energy savings
– School buildings, office spaces, living spaces

The battery life is estimated to be up to 5 years but depends on sample interval, transmit interval, data rate, and environmental factors. It is powered by two 3,6V AA lithium batteries (not supplied with the unit but available separately from us).

You can change the sample rate, data rate, encryption keys, triggers, activation etc.  All our sensors are built on the LoRaWAN® stack from Semtech.

Configured for use in the EU on the EU 863-870 LoRa network

We have a LIVE demo page you can look at HERE.