This is the super yagi for the 13cm-band. At such high frequencies the antenna design turns out to be quite complicated. All tolerances must be observed down to the minimum. The length of the elements changes in just some 1/10th mm steps. It takes many calculations and approximations to optimize the design of the boom and the elements which are thick compared to the wave length; many corrections must be tested and implemented until the optimal mechanical dimensions are found.
As described before all yagis of SHF-Design are manufactured and assembled automatically; the boom will be supplied with all elements assembled. Consequently, the tolerances coming to play are kept down to the absolute minimum compared to the good old ‘manual assembly’ done by the user. The 13cm yagis all have 6 reflectors and show a performance of 25 dB f/b ratio.
The antennas are delivered pre-mounted with all elements already in place. They can be assembled in about 10 minutes; you don’t have to read the manual (which is provided of course…) and it does not take an engineering approach to install the antenna and get into the air…