9:1 Unun 1.5-54MHz 2kW 9132S

  • 9:1 UnUn
  • 1-5-54 MHz
  • 2kW power handling
  • Insertion loss <0.2dB
  • Studs on sides with wingnuts
  • Silver plated SO239 connector

Price excl VAT: £82.95
incl VAT: £99.54

1 in stock (more are on backorder)


The DX Shop are distributors for Balun Designs

This design is excellent for matching both long and short length wire antennas for multiband use.  Allows the internal tuner of most rigs to tune remotely mounted single wire antennas.  Be sure to review the various lengths in the link below to obtain the lowest SWR across most if not all HF bands.


This unun should be used with the wire lengths listed in the table shown in the link below.  Use of the 9132 for “random” wire lengths, other than shown, can potentially create an impedance that is too low for an ATU to match.  If a wire length not shown in the table is installed, an antenna analyzer should used to determine the actual feedpoint impedance that will require matching for each band of operation.


Design Features:


  • Custom mix ferrite toroid with low permeability for lowest loss and highest performance. 
  • Windings are Superior Essex Heavy build polyamideimide Allex 240 Winding Wire  inserted in Teflon tubing.  Total breakdown voltage of 10kv interwinding. 
  • Typical insertion loss is less than 0.2 dB 
  • Power handling of 2kw from 1.5 to 54MHz. SO-239 connectors are silver plated with teflon insulation. 
  • All Hardware is stainless steel. Studs are 1/4″ 
  • Very high efficiency (98-99%). 
  • Unun is installed in weatherproof 4″ X 4″ X 2″ NEMA box which makes an excellent outdoor weatherproof enclosure.