1:1 Isolation Balun 7-54MHz 5kW 1113u

  • 1:1 Isolation balun
  • 7-54 MHz
  • 3kW power handling
  • Insertion loss <0.2dB
  • Silver plated SO239 connectors

Price excl VAT: £99.25
incl VAT: £119.10

1 in stock (more are on backorder)


The DX Shop are distributors for Balun Designs

We’re bring back one of Dr. Jerry Sevick’s (W2FMI) original designs but with upgraded windings.  This balun was one of our original workhorses and now with new coaxial windings, provides a new single core balun that is optimized for 40 -10m.  By using our lower permeability core, the balun provides excellent RF choking and feedline isolation at higher frequencies with lower loss and less heat generation. This is an excellent balun for use with tri band beams running mid range power levels, resonant dipoles for 40m and above and RFI suppression on the upper bands. The model 1115d is the dual core higher power version of this balun.

The 1113u is fitted with UHF (SO239) in and out