New for 2025. Pricing yet to be confirmed.
The Acom 1003 is basically an Acom 1000 with three antenna sockets. It has switchable class AB/B modes for better thermal efficiency on datamodes where a linear signal is not necessary. The Acom 1003 uses a 3CX800 triode not the 4CX800 (GU74b) tetrode used on the Acom 1000/2000A.
Easy to operate
The TRI (True Resistance Indicator) is a powerful tuning aid which, together with the automatically controlled input attenuator, helps the operator to quickly and precisely match antennas (5-10 seconds typically). The auto-operate function (when enabled) maintains the amplifier in OPERATE mode for you, thus saving manual operations and time
No antenna tuner needed
No external antenna tuner is required as long as the antenna SWR is 3:1 or lower. The amplifiers tuneable output network will perform the functions of an antenna tuner, enabling you to change antennas faster and use them over wider frequency ranges without an additional ATU.
User-friendly and durable
This amplifier is both user-friendly and self-monitoring. It is designed to safely withstand up to 240 W of reflected power, up to 100 milliseconds of drive spikes (RF “tails” after a PTT or KEY release), and even operator tuning errors. It is also capable of operating at more than half its designed output power at only 75% of nominal line (mains) voltage. Because it can tolerate deep voltage drops (down to zero for 10 milliseconds) and 15% line voltage spikes, it is particularly suited for use in portable environments, such as field days and DXpeditions.
OLED Display
All amplifier status indications are explained via detailed text displayed on the dot matrix OLED display. The upper-line’s strip on the OLED always reads peak forward power. LED indicators are provided for OPERATE, attenuation-on, and ON/OFF conditions.
Efficient tuning
Antenna matching can be achieved in less than 10 seconds and at a quarter of nominal output power, which produces lower risk of interference to other stations and greater safety to the amplifier components.
The A1003 amplifier operates without special signalling from the transceiver. It needs only “ground on TX” and 60 W RF drive power to operate at full output power.
Broadband input matching
Broadband input matching circuitry offers excellent loading characteristics for the driving transceiver, from 1.8 MHz to 30 MHz.
Single tube operation
A single 3CX800 high-performance ceramic-metal tetrode with plate dissipation of 800 W (forced air cooling, grid-driven) is used for maximum efficiency with low IMD.
Permanent monitoring and protection of the plate and grids currents
The Bias Optimizer minimizes heat dissipated by the tube, assuring tube longevity.
High voltage protection
Design of the high-voltage power supply eliminates the danger of turn-on transients affecting sensitive devices connected to the same line (mains) circuit. The amplifier can be configured for 8 different nominal line voltages: 100, 110, 120, 200, 210, 220, 230, or 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz.
Our 2 Year Warranty INCLUDES THE TUBE (unlike most other dealers) and is backed up with full factory-backed service and repair in our own workshops here at The DX Shop. No shipping to 3rd parties and long waits. After the warranty period ends units can be sent to us for inspection/quote/repair using OEM factory parts where needed that we source direct from Acom. Peace of mind..